Best Resume Writing Services in Bangalore

Bangalore is one of the leading metropolitan cities in India when it comes to the IT or the Manufacturing sector. It boasts a diverse marketplace with exceptional job opportunities in the Healthcare, Research, automobile, IT & Finance sectors & yet there are always people looking for more opportunities & companies always looking to hire. For people who want to get their hands on one of these lucrative jobs they need resume writing services in Bangalore.

While the language barrier & the cultural shock deter many from applying for jobs in Bangalore a big part of those who apply are not able to secure an interview because of the visibility of their profile. Today, professional identity has grown from just being confined to a one-page resume, extending itself to the virtual world through platforms like LinkedIn. 

Most people today lack the time, the skills, or both to create a well-formatted resume & those that do, might not be that focused on their brand identity online, & even a great resume only gets you so far. Thus, here comes the need for a resume that leaves a lasting impression.

Welcome to 100xCareers

Founded by a 22+ years experienced recruiter Aman Bhardwaj, 100xCareer is a company that aims to optimize the entire job process, especially for mid-level & senior level executive employees.  We offer an array of services that include resume writing, customized & tailored cover letters, & LinkedIn Profile optimization & more. Check out the end of this blog or go to our services page to know more about the services we offer.

We have extensive experience working with high-level professionals, especially in the IT & Finance sector, be it for recruiting or resume writing. This gives us unique insight into the needs of the HR & Hiring managers. We use this insight to generate resumes for you that not just highlight your expertise but where the first page of your resume is enough to provide a complete synopsis of your entire career.

Why choose 100xCareers for resume writing services in Bangalore?

With a great number of resume writing services in Bangalore, & with each one claiming to be the best it can be very difficult to pick the correct resume writing service for you. Here are a few reasons why 100xCareers should be your choice as one of the best resume-writing services in Bangalore:

Curated for you

Our services are curated specially for senior & mid-level executives. The services are customized to address all the pain points of such individuals, allowing them to have the time & space to attain a better work-life balance, while also progressing in their careers.

Leave a lasting impression in a glance

After gaining a lot of experience over a long period it is obvious that the resumes of senior executives are usually a few pages long but recruiters don’t spend more than 5 seconds on each resume. To solve this we have come up with a special format for our resumes where just one glance at the first page of your resume is enough to give the recruiter a brief overview of your entire career history. This creates a lasting impression in their mind while also making your resume easier to navigate.

Showcase your career Narrative

Using an AI-generated resume is time effective but that causes it to lose the aspect of the narrative that is there in a human-written resume. Stating the facts can work for you when you’re at a lower level but the higher up you go the more important it becomes for you to show your career journey, not just the fact points.

More than just Resumes

As we have stated before, 100xCareers is not your regular resume writing service. We understand that for a senior-level professional having a personal brand Identity on LinkedIn is just as important as a personalized & professionally crafted resume. We use proven content strategies to revamp your LinkedIn profile along with creating & implementing content strategies aimed at increasing impressions & engagements; to help you build your professional brand Identity.

100xCareers services that were just crafted for you

Resume Writing Services in Bangalore

The resumes written at 100xCareers are done keeping senior-level executives in mind. They are designed to highlight your professional expertise, clear & concise career progression & at-a-glance KRAs & KRIs, so just one look at your resume is enough to grab the recruiters’ attention.

We have extensive experience working with high-level professionals, especially in the IT & Finance sector, be it for recruiting or resume writing. This gives us unique insight into the needs of the HR & Hiring managers. We use this insight to generate resumes for you that not just highlight your expertise but where the first page of your resume is enough to provide a complete synopsis of your entire career.

Cover letter writing Services in Bangalore

Get your cover letter curated for the job that you are targeting. At 100xCareers we use highly skilled content writers to present you in a highly professional & cultured light along with editing & proofreading your cover letter to make sure there are no silly grammatical errors.

LinkedIn Profile Optimization Services in Bangalore

With LinkedIn profiles gaining more traction with recruiters it has become essential to optimize your profile so that you are visible in the Job market. At 100xCareers we help optimize your profile by using critically analyze.

The need for Resume writing services?

When browsing through the list of the best resume writing services in Bangalore it is only natural to question if there even is a need for you to invest in something like that. 

In a word, the answer is yes. Following is a list of a few reasons why using a resume writing service is necessary today:


The grueling competition in the job market in itself makes it an obvious choice but apart from that it is a must to optimize your resume to be visible in the market today given that almost every other company today, uses the Applicant Tracking Software to help them organize the applications that they receive. Unless your resume contains the specific keywords used in your industry for Job searches, there is a great probability that your resume will not even be seen for half the jobs you apply for.


Today, your resume is no longer your sole professional identity. Having a resume as well as a great LinkedIn profile showcasing your work history, past experiences & Achievements is very important. You might have the best skills, but unless you know how to market yourself, you will not get the job you are looking for

Time Management

Maintaining a regular, healthy work-life balance is hard enough, add onto that the task of revamping a resume, and optimizing your LinkedIn profile as well as a tailored cover letter. Sounds practically impossible; Moreover, it is not just a one-time effort but a dynamic process that needs to keep on changing with the changes that come in the industries & recruitment processes.

Experts Advice

Anyone who has a work experience of 5-10 years knows that one person does not know everything. Professionals have expertise & niches for a reason. A lot of time & effort is spent learning the detailed internal workings of any one industry. 

For a professional with such experience, listing your education & work history on a piece of paper & calling it a resume is not enough, at least not for getting higher jobs. To be able to get a good resume that stands a chance at impressing the recruiters you need help & who better to go to than the experts?  

Our Process That Helps You Stand Out from Others


 In the consultation you get connected with one of our resume writers who sits with you, learning about your requirements & expectations from the process as well as briefing you as to how the process will work. Once you are clear on the process & the requirements & other specifications are clear, you then move on to the next step.



The second step of the process consists of drafting your resume or cover letter. The respective writer that you have been connected with will send you a first draft of your resume. Once you have gone through the first draft you can connect with the writer again to address any concerns you might have.



The 3rd step is less of a new step & more of a continuation of the second step. After going through the resume draft, you can connect with the writer again & go over any points that you would like changed, reframed, added, or removed. Once the review is done you will then move on to your finalized resume.



This is the final step of the process, where after a final overlook, you confirm with the writer to move forward with finalizing your resume, given that it is to your liking & the resume is handed over to you, marking an end of the process. .


Frequently Asked Questions :

Q1. How long does the resume writing process take?

Once you are done talking to the counselor about your resume, it usually takes up to 2 days for the resume to be completed & sent back to you for a check-in, any extension or delays in time depend upon the number of revisions requested on the end of the customer.

Q2. Do you offer revisions?

While one or two reviews are a part of the standard process, when writing a resume, additional reviews, a while after the resume has already been finalized & agreed upon by both parties will require additional payment. These reviews are conditional & the requests are processed on a case-to-case basis

Choose What Suits
You The Best





Book your consultation today to better your prospects tomorrow!