From Hidden to Hired!

100x Your Professional Visibility To Land Your Dream Job.

We help mid & senior working professionals achieve 100x better visibility with our 360° approach

Professionally Crafted ATS Compliant Resume

Complete LinkedIn Profile Optimization (DFY) 

Tailored Cover Letter

Strategic Outreach & Networking   

Optimized Job Portal Resume Listings   

Targeted Job Search & Resume Distributions

Professional ATS Compliant Resume         Tailored Cover Letter                

 Complete LinkedIn Profile Optimization     Strategic Outreach & Networking

Optimized Job Portal Listings                      Targeted Resume Distribution

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        Careers Transformed in last 90 Day*

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Trusted by Senior Professionals working at

Why 100xCareers?

In my 22+ years of leadership hiring for some of the world’s top brands, I have seen the best talent overlooked simply because they didn’t know how to market themselves.  I have seen firsthand the importance of visibility. You might be the perfect fit for a role, but if you’re invisible to the right person, it doesn’t matter. 

Investing in a professionally crafted resume, an optimized LinkedIn profile, and strategic networking is more than just a financial decision—it’s a key step in building your career. These tools serve as your personal marketing strategy, ensuring that your skills and experience are visible to potential employers. After all, if they don’t know you’re out there, they can’t consider you for the opportunities you deserve.

At 100x Careers, we take a 360° approach to ensure you’re not just seen but sought after. Stop letting opportunities slip through your fingers. Take a step towards your future today.

From hidden to hired – Let’s make it happen.

Aman Bhardwaj, 
CEO, 100xCareers.

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Services Just Crafted For You:

Professionally Crafted ATS Compliant Resume

Elevate your career with a resume expertly designed to showcase your professional journey, and leadership impact. Optimized for ATS, this resume positions you for success.

Complete LinkedIn Profile Optimisation

Maximize your visibility & attract top recruiters. We refine your profile with strategic keywords and engaging content, boosting your relevance for job
suggestions & making it easier for recruiters to reach out.

Tailored Cover Letter

Craft a compelling narrative that complements your resume with our Tailored Cover Letter service. We customize the cover letter to reflect your unique strengths and the specific requirements of the job you're targeting, ensuring your application stands out and makes a memorable impact.

Optimized Job Portal Resume Listings

Eliminate the hassle of navigating multiple job portals. We expertly position your resume on exclusive portals you might not know exist. Our service ensures your resume listing is enriched with job related keywords, enhancing your visibility and opportunities with potential employers.

Strategic Outreach & Networking

Networking is key in today’s job market. Our strategic outreach service helps you build and expand a robust LinkedIn network, connecting you with the right industry professionals and potential employers. We help you establish a solid presence that can lead to unforeseen career opportunities.

Targeted Job Search & Resume Distribution

Acting as your job search co-pilot, we take the helm of finding relevant opportunities using our unique methodologies and search strategies. By outsourcing your job search to us, you leverage our expertise to land opportunities that match your career aspirations and skills perfectly.

Choose What Suits You The Best
















What Our Clients Say About Us

100x Your Resume With Us

Our expertly designed resumes go beyond just listing your qualifications. We strategically emphasize your core competencies and achievements to ensure your resume stands out in Applicant Tracking Systems. This service is tailored to elevate your professional profile, significantly increasing your chances of landing interviews by making your resume more visible and appealing to recruiters.

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100x Your 'LinkedIn' Game With Us

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Transform your LinkedIn presence with our profile optimization service. We overhaul your profile—from a catchy headline to a persuasive summary and detailed experience section—making it not only SEO-friendly but also engaging. This optimization ensures you’re noticed by recruiters and industry leaders, significantly increasing your visibility and chances of being approached for opportunities.

100x Your Cover Letter
With Us

A compelling cover letter can make the difference between getting noticed and being overlooked. Our service provides a personalized cover letter that aligns with your resume, enhancing your application and articulating why you are the ideal candidate for the job. This crucial document will capture the employer’s attention, serving as a persuasive narrative of your professional journey.

100x Your Job Portal Impact With Us

Simply uploading your resume to job portals isn’t enough. Our service optimizes your profile and resume for specific job portals to ensure they are keyword-rich and aligned with what recruiters are searching for. This targeted approach increases your profile’s visibility and effectiveness, attracting more views and responses from potential employers.

100x Your Strategic Outreach & Networking With Us

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Networking is key in today’s job market. Our strategic outreach service helps you build and expand a robust LinkedIn network, connecting you with the right industry professionals and potential employers. By actively engaging with key figures and participating in relevant discussions, we help you establish a solid professional presence that can lead to new and unforeseen career opportunities.

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100x Your Targeted Job Search & Resume Distribution With Us

Take a proactive approach to your job search with our targeted resume distribution service. We don’t just send your resume to generic contacts; instead, we carefully select and target relevant industry players, recruiters, and hiring managers who are looking for candidates with your specific skill set. This strategic distribution puts your resume directly in front of decision-makers, drastically improving your job search results and helping you land your dream job faster.